Estoy deseando volver!

La ciudad, la escuela, la familia de acogida y todo en general! Mi segunda vez en Exlinguo Novosibirsk fue aún mejor que la primera y estoy deseando volver!

Pedro, Spain
3 weeks / December 2018

I can recommend Exlinguo without hesitation

I thoroughly enjoyed my two week course in Novosibirsk. The teaching was well paced and pitched at the appropriate level. Teachers themselves were knowledgeable and had high expectations of students' work. Materials were abundant and supported teaching effectively. The combination of group and individual lessons provided balance and afforded opportunities for both conversation and clarification of specific aspects of grammar. I made very positive progress in a short space of time and am now inspired to accelerate my language acquisition. I can recommend Exlinguo without hesitation.

Berian, United Kingdom
2 weeks / December 2018

Je ne pensais pas faire autant de progrès en si peu de temps

C'est la deuxième fois que je pars étudier le russe avec Exlinguo. Cette fois j'ai découvert Novossibirsk. Les deux centres sont très bien situés, les équipes sont vraiment adorables ! Ils font preuve d'une grande patience, ils adaptent tous les cours à chaque étudiant. Je ne pensais pas faire autant de progrès en si peu de temps ! J'y retournerai, sans aucun doute !

Cécile, France
4 semaines / Octobre-Novembre 2018

Der Unterricht findet in sehr kleinen Gruppen statt

Ich habe zwei großartige Wochen in der Sprachschule in St. Petersburg verbracht. Zwar habe ich mit sehr geringem Niveau gestartet, doch es stellte kein Problem dar, dass fast alle Abläufe in der Sprachschule auf Russisch abliefen - die Sprachlehrer konnten sich gut auf das Niveau ihrer Schüler einstellen, und auch bei meinen Mitschülern stieß ich immer auf Verständnis. Dadurch entstand eine sehr angenehme Atmosphäre in der Sprachschule und auch in unseren (zahlreichen) Freizeitaktivitäten. Der Unterricht findet in sehr kleinen Gruppen statt und ist immer sehr unterhaltsam. Dabei kommt aber auch die Wissensvermittlung nicht zu kurz - ich glaube, ich habe noch nie so viel in kurzer Zeit gelernt. Ich kann nur empfehlen, diese Sprachschule zu besuchen und möchte selbst bald wiederkommen!

Franziska, Germany
2 weeks / October 2018

L'école et les profs sont excellents

J'ai passé un très bon stage à Novosibirsk. L'école et les profs sont excellents, on étudie dans un cadre studieux et chaleureux. La ville offre une vraie immersion dans la "vie russe", à l'écart des grands sites touristiques. Mon seul regret est de ne pas avoir eu le temps d'explorer les alentours... alors je reviendrai !

Elsa, France
2 weeks / October 2018

Merci à tous pour cette merveilleuse expérience

Inoubliable ! Exlinguo est une valeur sûre pour quiconque veut apprendre le russe, découvrir la Russie ou les deux en même temps ! Des activités toujours aussi variées, des professeurs toujours aussi motivés et une ville qui n'en finit pas de nous dévoiler ses trésors culturels. C'est sûr, je reviendrai ! Merci à tous pour cette merveilleuse expérience :)

Maxime, Belgium
2 weeks / September 2018

Die Lehrerinnen sind stets sehr bemüht und engagiert

Exlinguo ist eine gut organisierte und professionell arbeitende Sprachschule mitten auf dem Nevskij Prospekt - der Haupteinkaufsstraße St. Petersburgs. Die Lehrerinnen sind stets sehr bemüht und engagiert. Mit ihrer netten Unterrichtsart und -weise schaffen sie es, einem den Unterrichtsstoff so näherzubringen, dass man ihn auch versteht. Ich würde die Schule jedem - ob nun professionell oder hobbymäßig - weiterempfehlen.

Beatrice, Austria
2 weeks / August 2018

Keep on the good work

Another good experience at Exlinguo, my fourth one. I think this says all there is to say. Keep on the good work. See you next year, hopefully.

Juan-Antonio, Spain
2 weeks / August 2018

The teachers were super attentive

I really loved everything about this course. The teachers paced it as fast as I wanted, and in group classes, we had the opportunity to practice speaking without getting bored. The materials were helpful for learning and the "study halls" twice a week allowed me to practice everything I wanted. The teachers were super attentive and genuinely happy to go on excursions and show us the city. The extra activities really cement relationships with your peers and the administrative staff are so organized and care about how your homestay is progressing. Overall, this is an excellent program and I can't wait to return!

Jessica, United States
4 weeks / July 2018

I really recommend Exlinguo Novosibirsk

I spent three weeks at Exlinguo in Novosibirsk and I can say that it has been an amazing experience. As far as I can tell, Siberia is a beautiful region of Russia (and also very extended, that means there are a million things to see) and the people are very friendly. The school is very well-organised and the teachers are highly qualificated to make you learn as much as possible, the lessons are varying in order to do different activities and never get bored. The city is just amazing, so lively, modern, young, it's the perfect place for a student, you can find everything in Novosibirsk. What's even better, is the fact that you immediately feel comfortable in the city just after a couple of days, and that helps a lot, especially if it's the first time in Russia. I would come back to Novosibirsk a million times, and I really recommend Exlinguo Novosibirsk not only because the school is extraordinary and so is the city, but because if you want a real full immersion into Russia and Russian culture, this is absolutely the right place.

Stefano, Italy
3 weeks / August 2018

De leraren zijn heel enthousiast

In de zomer van 2018 heb ik 2 weken de cursus gevolgd in Novosibirsk. Dit kan ik zeker aanbevelen! Het is goed georganiseerd: de airport transfer, het gastgezin, en de cursus zelf. De leraren zijn heel enthousiast, maken het lesprogramma op maat voor je en dagen je goed uit. Ik kan ten zeerste aanraden om bij een gastgezin te verblijven, hoewel de ervaring natuurlijk kan verschillen. Het biedt de kans om in het Russische leven te integreren en extra taal interactie te hebben. Novosibirsk is een mooie uitvalsbasis om daarna eventueel een reis te maken in Siberië. Het voordeel van Novosibirsk boven St. Petersburg is dat mensen in Siberië minder engels spreken, dus je moet je overal zien te redden in het Russisch. Voor herhaling vatbaar!

Ide, Netherlands
2 weeks / August 2018

I would recommend Exlinguo for the quality of teaching

I had one of the best language experiences at Exlinguo St Petersburg. In my four weeks, I started from the very basics to reach an A1 at the end of my stay. I would recommend Exlinguo for the quality of teaching: the small groups allow a significant amount of interaction with the teachers in Russian. Not to mention the professionalism of the staff, always available to answer to your specific needs with the language. In addition, the different activities were well-organised and structured, they indeed gave me a deep insight on the Russian culture!

Valeria, Italy
4 weeks / August 2018

The teachers were very competent and kind

The course I attended at Exlinguo really helped me to improve my level of Russian. The teachers were very competent and kind and the location of the centre was close to the main points of interest of the city. I would strongly recommend this school to others.

Lucia, Italy
4 weeks / August 2018

The quality of teaching staff is its stand out feature

Exlinguo exceeded my expectations. In my opinion the quality of teaching staff is its stand out feature. all the teachers clearly enjoy and are talented at their jobs, and as a result the lessons they create are always engaging, structured and enjoyable. I found that the course content and groups were constantly adjusted to fit the needs of the pupils. Overall I felt I got value for money, improved hugely and most importantly I had a great time! I would definitely recommend it and will be going back next year.

Hannah, United Kingdom
2 weeks / August 2018

Exlinguo really enabled me to experience the cities

I spent 5 weeks at Exlinguo this summer, spending three in St Petersburg and then two in Novosibirsk, and I honestly was so impressed. Right from registering, the organisation and communication was excellent, which made the whole process really easy. Starting the course with very basic Russian, I was really impressed with how my teachers encouraged me and therefore how much I realised I was able to say. Speaking was a key component in all classes at both centres, and because of the really small class sizes I was able to very quickly improve my speaking and listening skills. The teaching was also really personal and so much thought was put into the organisation of the teaching groups that you always felt supported and that you were improving. On arrival in Novosibirsk the handover was flawless, with my lessons picking right up where I had stopped in St Petersburg, enabling my Russian to keep improving without a gap. Studying in both centres enabled me to see much more of Russia and its great variety. Both cities have so much to offer and the activities offered by Exlinguo really enabled me to experience the cities. I also stayed with two lovely host families in both cities, which was another great way to experience Russian culture, whilst reinforcing what I had learnt at school. I’m planning to return next year and I would highly recommend this course. Thank you!

Cosima, United Kingdom
5 weeks / August 2018

Les profs sont très gentils et très compétents

J'ai passé deux très bonnes semaines à Novossibirsk! Les profs sont très gentils et très compétents! Le centre est très agréable, il y a tout ce dont on peu rêver! Le centre organise presque chaque jour des sorties ou des activités qui sont très biens! On ne s'ennuie jamais! Novossibirsk est une belle ville qui vaut le détour! Je recommande vivement Exlinguo, de mon point de vue tout était parfait!

Séréna, France
2 semaines / Août 2018

Przesympatyczni wykwalifikowani nauczyciele

To mój drugi kurs w Exlinguo i po raz drugi jestem pod wrażeniem organizacji kursu, wysokiego poziomu szkoły i profesjonalizmu nauczycieli. Zajęcia prowadzone są na bardzo wysokim poziomie i są dostosowane do potrzeb i oczekiwań kursantów. Przesympatyczni wykwalifikowani nauczyciele potrafią doskonale wyjaśnić wszelkie zawiłości języka rosyjskiego i bardzo ciekawie prowadzą zajęcia nie pozwalając nawet przez moment się nudzić. Świetny program pozalekcyjny pozwala poszerzyć wiedzę o Rosji. Po zakończeniu programu ocena postępów kursanta i mnóstwo przydatnych rekomendacji i linków do dalszej nauki.

Ewa, Poland
1 week / August 2018

Le lezion sono sempre state interessanti

E' stata un'esperienza magnifica e costruttiva sia a livello educativo che umano. Durante il mio soggiorno a Novosibirsk come studentessa della scuola Exlinguo ho imparato moltissimo, molto di più di quanto io mi aspettassi. Le lezioni sono sempre state interessanti, coinvolgenti e interattive. Ho appreso nuovi termini, anche colloquiali, che hanno ampliato ulteriormente il mio vocabolario. Nella scuola mi son sempre sentita a mio agio e ben accolta. Ogni giorno inoltre, imparavo qualcosa di nuovo per quanto riguarda le usanze e le tradizioni russe delle quali sono sempre stata molto curiosa e affascinata. Inoltre ho conosciuto molte persone che come sempre mi hanno trasmesso ""qualcosa"" a livello umano. Il mio desiderio più grande era quello di poter parlare in Russo in maniera un po' più fluente e ora posso dire che grazie alle insegnanti, a tutto lo staff di Exlinguo e alla mia famiglia russa ci sono decisamente riuscita. Perciò Grazie!

Eleonora, Italy
4 weeks / August 2018

L'ambiente familare, la passione degli insegnanti

Una scuola altamente qualificata, insegnanti qualificate, gruppi di max 3 persone per classe e livelli per classe piuttosto omogenei. I metodi di formazione che utilizzano in questa scuola sono vari e rendono la formazione molto piacevole e leggera. Ogni giorno é animato da una attivita diversa: tutorati, escursioni, presentazioni sulla cultura e/o geografia delle siberia. L'ambiente familare, la passione degli insegnanti e le classi con pochi studenti rendono questa scuola secondo me unica. Ritorno di certo!

Paola, Italy
2 weeks / August 2018

Die Vorbereitung auf Seiten der Lehrer war enorm

Auch wenn es schon unser fünfter Besuch in Nowosibirsk war, ist es Exlinguo einmal mehr gelungen, uns zu begeistern und zu überraschen. Leider konnten wir wieder nur eine Woche bleiben, aber umso erstaunlicher war es, zu welchen Fortschritten die Lehrer uns in der kurzen Zeit brachten. Zu unserem ""Stolz"" kommentierten mehrere unserer russischen Bekannten, wie gut unser Russisch geworden war... (es gibt aber natürlich noch viel Luft nach oben...!). Der Unterricht hätte intensiver und spannender nicht sein können; die Vorbereitung auf Seiten der Lehrer war enorm, der gleichermaßen so persönliche - für uns fühlt es sich inzwischen schon fast so an, als ob wir zu Exlinguo ""gehören"" - wir professionelle Unterricht ist eine Freude und Inspiration. Kein Tag ist wie der andere, ob es die Reise nach Krasnojarsk war, der Besuch einer großen Bibliothek mit Vorträgen dort oder selbst das Lernen der (komplizierten) russischen Verben - die Kreativität der Lehrer kennt keine Grenzen. Wir sind dankbar für diese wunderbare Möglichkeit und kommen bald wieder...!

Christine, Germany
1 week / August 2018

La scuola è organizzata in modo eccellente

Ho seguito un corso di russo di una settimana nella scuola Exlinguo di Novosibirsk. Avevo studiato solo da autodidatta e il mio livello era base. In una settimana, che è ovviamente poco per approfondire e imparare una lingua, ho potuto conoscere e migliorare alcuni aspetti base per continuare lo studio. La scuola è organizzata in modo eccellente, piccole classi e corsi personalizzati. Offre spazi e servizi adeguati per lo studio e organizzare attività extra scolastiche Il punto migliore è il corpo docente con insegnanti disponibili e molto professionali. Per riassumere ottima scuola per studiare il russo a Novosibirsk.

Manlio, Italy
1 week / August 2018

Rien à redire, tout était parfait

Un enseignement, un cadre et un suivi au top ! Rien à redire, tout était parfait. Je recommande vivement et reviendrai dès que possible !

Lisa, Belgique
3 weeks / July 2018

The lessons were always well constructed

I had an amazing time in St. Petersburg with Exlinguo. Not only did I make new friends with fellow coursemates, but also built a nice relationship with teachers, who were always understanding, friendly and encouraging. The lessons were always well constructed and relevant to my life. I really feel my own self-confidence in Russian has improved as a result. The host family provided were also very kind and caring. I would highly recommend the course to any Russian-speaker of any proficiency level.

Oliver, United Kingdom
4 weeks / July 2018

The atmosphere of the school is excellent

I stayed in Novosibirsk for 3 weeks. I decided to buy this course because I have been studied Russian at University for 4 years, but we never practiced oral production. So I didn't feel comfortable talking Russian, and this blocked me. After only 3 weeks I can say that I reached what I wanted. Now I can talk fast and fluently without problems. Of course I make mistakes but I can say that I understang everything and everyone understood me without problems. For this reason I am very satisfied. I reached a B1+/B2- level. The atmosphere of the school is excellent. The teachers also. And the city beautiful. This experience of "travel&study" was the best one that I had done so far. I highly reccomend it.

Elena, Italy
3 weeks / July 2018

Ich kann Exlinguo nur empfehlen

Nun war ich bereits zum fünften mal bei Exlinguo in Nowosibirsk, das wird langsam zur Tradition. Wieder lief alles zur vollsten Zufriedenheit und ich konnte meine Russischkenntnisse wieder leicht verbessern. Der Unterricht fand wieder in einer sehr kleinen Gruppe statt und war genau auf die Teilnehmer zugeschnitten. Auch die angebotetenen Präsentationen am Nachmittag waren sehr interessant.Ich kann Exlinguo nur empfehlen und komme auf jeden Fall wieder!

Matthias, Germany
2 weeks / July 2018